October 22, 2024

Tips For low Porosity Hair

A Detailed Guide for Hair With Low Porosity

We all wish for hair that is naturally smooth, silky, and healthy. To accomplish so, you’ll need a variety of items. However, each person’s hair reacts differently to these products. The porosity of your hair impacts how much moisture and oil it can absorb and retain.

The hair structure does not enable moisture to be absorbed readily into the hair strand if the porosity of your hair is low. Because of this structural problem, caring for low porosity hair becomes challenging. Many people suggest using the best oils for low porosity hair is beneficial. But oils are not enough. Here is a complete guide to taking care of low porosity hair.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Hair With Low Porosity

The first thing is to understand how you know that your hair is low porosity.

If your hair is low porosity you will experience the following problems.

  • Flexibility Decline
  • Frizzness
  • Dryness
  • Breakage

Characteristic of low Porosity Hair

  • The cells of low porosity hair are closely combined, making it difficult for products to enter. When you apply it to your hair, it absorbs a small quantity and the rest builds up.
  • Low porosity hair takes a long time to soak and dries because there are fewer openings between the cuticles.
  • All the hair products you used to sit on the hair and didn’t absorb completely into the hair.

Tips To Take Care of Your Low Porosity Hair

Hair with a low porosity requires special attention. You may be tempted to use a lot of product because it appears to just sit on the hair and not soak, but this will not help. Try the following tips for low porosity hair.

Steam Your Hair 

Steaming is used to open the hair membranes. As a result, the hair strands will be able to absorb moisture more easily. Steaming your hair is a good way to help elevate the hair cuticles once in a while. You might also invest in a hooded steamer, which will be a wise investment.

Deep Condition Your Hair

Deep conditioners penetrate the hair far more deeply than leave-in conditioners. After applying the deep conditioner, steam your hair with a hooded steamer to help the conditioner absorb better. While washing the deep conditioner out of your hair, keep it on for around fifteen minutes.

Apply Suitable Mask

A nourishing hair mask may benefit a lot when it comes to treating low porosity hair. Massage a liberal amount of the hair mask to damp hair, rubbing it in gently to ensure penetration. This is when deep conditioners that moisturize the hair come in handy. Steam your hair while using the mask to improve absorption. To seal the cuticle, rinse your hair with cold water when you’ve finished.

Wash Hair On Regular Basis 

At least once a week, wash your hair. Regular washing will keep low porosity hair free of product build-up and allow it to absorb water, as low porosity hair has poor adsorption of hair products. When washing low porosity hair, always use warm water to open up the membranes. Close the cuticles with cold water at the end to seal the hydration.

Before You Washes Your Hair, Pre-poo It

Washing hair can deplete the hydration in your hair. If you have low porosity hair, we recommend that you use a pre-pooing solution before washing your hair. To prepare the pre-poo recipe, combine sweet argan oil, cold-pressed oil, and avocado oil, then apply to the hair and wrap with a shower cap for a few minutes.

Use The Right Hair Care Product 

You must use hair products that are favorable to low porosity hair and do not drain the hair’s already low moisture reserves. In the next part, we’ll look at how to choose products for low porosity hair.

Properly Cover Your Hair

Use a silky cushion or a satin headscarf while going to bed. This prevents the hair’s moisture from being absorbed by the pillowcase’s fabric. After you’ve hydrated your hair, you may cover it with a shower cap. This may also be done overnight.

Best Oils for Low Porosity Hair

Low Porosity hair is not able to absorb all the oils. So if the porosity of your hair is low you should apply lightweight oils. Below are the best oils for low porosity hair.

8 Best Oil For Low Porosity Hair

  1. Avocado Oil
  2. Lavender Oil
  3. Grapeseed Oil
  4. Jojoba Oil
  5. Apricot Oil
  6. Argonne Oil
  7. Coconut Oil
  8. Pomegranate Oil


As you know low porosity hair is not easy to manage. You any product or oil carefully. Give preference to the best products and best oil for low porosity hair. Try to keep in mind the hints and tips that have been provided.

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